I am an Architect-Engineer,
and Conceptual Urban Designer. My research and practice engage issues of urbanization, infrastructure, and the dynamics of the collective. |  PEDA HeadquartersArchitectural Competition for the New Administration Centre of the Regional Unit of West Attica |  SketchUp @ CDW 2018Watch here the SketchUp for Interiors sessions I gave during Clerkenwell Design Week 2018 in London. |  Public Power Corp. HeadquartersOur proposal receives Honorable Mention at the National Architectural Competition for the New Headquarters of the Greek Public Power Corporation. |  Sales Engineer @ SketchUpAs of November 6th, I am the SketchUp Customer Success Manager for UK and Europe! | ![[AUTONOMA]](https://static.wixstatic.com/media/93b980_447e01fb28b649d997ded5eae40872fa.jpg/v1/fill/w_250,h_166,al_c,q_90,enc_auto/93b980_447e01fb28b649d997ded5eae40872fa.jpg) [AUTONOMA]International Conference on Urban Autonomy and the Collective City - 1&2 July, Athens Greece |  ACSA 102nd Annual MeetingWatch my presentation from ACSA 102nd Annual Meeting in Miami. |