Transformer Houses: ORI and the Shape-Shifting Future of Dwelling
SketchUp Blog
2018 London, UK
Transformer Houses: Ori and the Shape-Shifting Future of Dwelling
ORI Systems is a startup that focuses on smart transformable furniture that aim to maximise the use of small flats and restricted spaces by shape-shifting. In other words, the folks at ORI are building robot furniture for a living! It may not come as a surprise but the company started as an MIT Media Lab spin-off a couple of years ago and today is based in a co-working space for robotics companies in Boston's Seaport.
ORI systems can transform your bedroom into a living space or a home office in just seconds and it comes with all kind of cool add-ons like a mobile app, and voice commands connecting to technologies like amazon's alexa and Google Home. We really hope using the Force to make your bed is at the top of their upcoming features list!
Back in 2012, when I was studying at MIT, I was lucky enough to have worked on some early stages of the ORI Systems prototype. At the time the project was called CityHome, or RoboWall as was known among the engineering folks. This is the time I met Hasier, the engineer and mastermind behind the project, who is now the CEO of ORI Systems. Hasier has always been using SketchUp to visualise his concepts and today he shares with us some of the magic of prototyping using SketchUp!