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‘An autonomous Society is origin of the significations it creates -of its institution- and it knows it self as such. Autonomous Society is a society that self-institutes itself explicitly. This amount to saying: it knows that the significations in and through which it lives and exists as society are its work [oeuvre] and that they are neither necessary or contingent’


Cornelius Castoriades - The World in Fragments.



The goal of this exercise was to develop an ideal city based on the work of a specific philosopher. My project was an attempt to spatially interpret the work and theory of contemporary Greek philosopher Cornelius Castoriades and his idea of an autonomous society.

The main purpose of an autonomous city is to resist against the pursuit of growth and development per se, and offer the ground for an alternative evolution of the communities. 

The Autonomous city exists within a convention. Within a boundary, that is recognizable as such. The city features no infrastructure beyond this boundary; therefore cannot import or export goods or resources.

It needs to produce everything necessary for its survival, it cannot export, therefore trade (domesticated economy).

The main purpose of the autonomous city is to resist against the pursuit of growth and development per se, and offer the ground for an alternative evolution of the communities. The principal tool of this pursuit is the total elimination of external infrastructure (motorways, railways, airports, power grid, telecommunications). The existence of those amenities is driven by and built for growth. However, a domesticated basic infrastructure serves as a platform for the well-­being and equality of the community’s members.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology School of Architecture - Urban Design Studio 

Professor: Alexander D’ Hooghe

2012 Cambridge, USA

The Autonomous City
Autonomous City

I am an Architect-Engineer, and Conceptual Urban Designer. My research and practice engage issues of urbanization, infrastructure, and the dynamics of the collective.

PEDA Headquarters

PEDA Headquarters

Architectural Competition for the New Administration Centre of the Regional Unit of West Attica

SketchUp @ CDW 2018

SketchUp @ CDW 2018

Watch here the SketchUp for Interiors sessions I gave during Clerkenwell Design Week 2018 in London.

Public Power Corp. Headquarters

Public Power Corp. Headquarters

Our proposal receives Honorable Mention at the National Architectural Competition for the New Headquarters of the Greek Public Power Corporation.

Sales Engineer @ SketchUp

Sales Engineer @ SketchUp

As of November 6th, I am the SketchUp Customer Success Manager for UK and Europe!



International Conference on Urban Autonomy and the Collective City - 1&2 July, Athens Greece

ACSA 102nd Annual Meeting

ACSA 102nd Annual Meeting

Watch my presentation from ACSA 102nd Annual Meeting in Miami.

The Transformable Desk-top

The Transformable Desk-top

A folding furniture prototype for MIT Media Lab's City Home project.

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